The Megapixel war has died down a little now, it has been raging ever-since the Camera became one of the biggest selling points on Smart Phones. Even now some big names Smart Phone Brands brag about their megapixel counts being upwards of 40. But how much do megapixels actually contribute towards making a good photograph or video? The current war between the Smart Phone giants Iphone and Samsung have thrown up some astonishing facts and figures about phone cameras. The comparison, Iphone 11 Camera vs Samsung S20 camera is the subject of this review.


Mobile Phone cameras have reached peak value, none more so than the two Behemoths of Smart Phones. iPhone and Samsung. Following is a brief comparison of Iphone 11 Camera vs Samsung S20 camera:

  • Physical Hardware Features: Samsung’s Galaxy S20 Ultra has Rear Camera with multiple-lens setups. The main camera has a Wide-Angle with 108 Megapixels. Then there is a Telephoto Camera with 48 Megapixels. But Samsung also has a Depth-Vision portrait shot Camera. In comparison, the Apple’s Iphone 11 Pro Max has a 12 Megapixel Wide-Angle, Telephoto and an Ultra Wide-Angle Camera.
  • Standardize Tests for Camera: The 3 different lens of each camera was subjected to standard photo tests. Iphone came out better for their color balance and dynamic ranges. But actually, with top-of-the-range phone cameras like these, individual preference is the ruler. In dynamic lighting conditions the S20 Ultra is closer to the over-exposing of the highlights in atmospheric images, resulting in over-contrasting. But in less dynamic or contrast lighting the S20 Ultra was equal to or better than the 11 Pro Max. In the Ultra Wide-Angle camera particularly, the S20 Ultra produced a much sharper, crisper pictures, and the 11 Pro Max produced soft contrast images. That is probably because the 11 Pro Max’s sensor on the Ultra Wide-Angle lens is not better than the sensor it has on its simple Camera lens with a Wide-Angle.
  • Portrait Mode: The Depth Sensor on the S20 Ultra makes all the difference between the Portrait Mode images of the two competitors. It is much sharper, though the qualities of images in the dynamic range are about equal. S20 is far ahead in this category.
  • Space Zoom: The S20 Ultra has a fantastic 100X ‘Space Zoom’ feature, whereas 11 Pro Max offers only a Digital Zoom 10X. This is an area in which S20 wins hands-down. Its pictures, even at 30X Zoom are crisper and brighter than the 11 Pro Max at 10X Zoom.
  • 108 Megapixel Camera: This is an extraordinary feature of the S20 Ultra that has become one of the focal points of this marvelous camera. It has wonderful Depth of Field and creates terrific background bokeh. Pin-sharp resolution and extreme detail is offered here, though it is sometimes difficult to get it to work. This is a feature that 11 Pro Max does not have. One additional feature is that the alternative 12 Megapixel shots are also offered by the S20.
  • Single Take: S20 can produce very interesting Boomerang-style videos, Filtered Pictures, Music Backed videos, and so on, from a ‘Single Take’ feature that takes photos and videos from different angles and creates composite options. 11 Pro Max does not have this feature.
  • Video Comparison: Here too S20 appears to have won. It offers a major new 8K video feature, which is far advanced to the 4K video offered by 11 Pro Max. This looks great when it runs properly, but is often spoiled by poor image stabilization. With both pitted at 4K video, the two cameras are equally good at image stabilization.
  • Night Mode: Both are equally good, though with the S20, this mode has to be turned and is not turned on by default.
  • Front Facing Camera: The Iphone has a standard 12 Megapixel with an Aperture f/2.2. But the Samsung sports a 40 Megapixel Selfie Camera with the same Aperture f/2.2. The S20 also has a ‘Beauty Mode’, which the 11 Pro does not have, a valuable feature for those Tinder and OKCupid profile pictures.

In conclusion, as with high-end devices the final choice belongs to the User’s preference. So, what are you waiting for? Get your favorite one today.